Wednesday, October 1, 2008

My 1st CTR ring - visit

September 30, 2008 · Filed under Store · Tagged , , , , , , · Edit
I remember when I got to be in the CTR 8 class in Primary. I knew that meant I got a CTR ring from my teacher. In our LDS Ward it was “the” year for us kids. We turned eight, got baptized and received our long awaited CTR ring. I had friends a year older than me, and I knew it would turn my finger all sorts of colors, but they were stains of honor.
Before class started all twelve of us kids were debating on weather we would get our rings that day or later on in the year. When class started, we had never been so quiet. Our class was known for being rowdy, but on that day we were on the edge of our seats, quiet and listening. We had all noticed the decorated box sitting on the table and wanted to make sure that if our teacher had the CTR rings for us we didn’t do anything to postpone the moment we’d been waiting for.
Finally, five minutes before class ended. Our teacher reached for the box. She spoke to us about how important it was to follow the Savior and live our lives like he did. I’m sure she said many more things, but after the first sentence I didn’t hear anything. I knew a lead in when I heard it. The time had come. She slowly opened the box and went around the room. Each of us in turn reached in and took our own CTR Ring. It was absolutely beautiful. I had to make it a little bigger so that it would go on my finger, but when it slid on it was perfect. I knew that choosing the right would never be a problem for me again.
We could hear kids outside the door and knew that class time was over. Someone said the prayer and I hugged my Primary Teacher before leaving the room. In the hallway younger kids were waiting to see our rings.
A few months later I was baptized a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I received a few baptism gifts from friends and family, but the one I received from my primary teacher a few months before is the one I remember most.

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